Manage Container Types Page

Note: In order to reach this page, the role of the logged-in user must contain access to the Containers featureThis feature is available in edit mode and read-only mode. It is a division level setting. Access to this feature activates the Containers option for a division. When the Containers setting is ON for a division, the Manage > Containers option and the Manage > Container Types option are enabled and the user may reach the Manage Containers page and the Manage Container Types page in the web application. In the mobile application, the Manage > Containers option is enabled and the user may view the container list at a site. Edit access grants the ability to add, edit, and delete a container and the ability to add, edit, and delete a container type in the web application and the ability to add and edit a container in the mobile application.. In order to add, edit, or delete a container type, the role of the logged-in user must contain edit access to the Containers feature. When the role of the logged-in user contains read-only access to the Containers feature, the user may view container type information, but may not add, edit, or delete it.

A container type identifies the type and size of the container; it is unique and specific within a division. A container type is added to the application at the Manage Container Types page. A container type is REQUIRED when adding a container.